Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Walking in this World—Weeks 3-9!?

Wow. It's been 8 weeks since my last blogpost, and it feels like it has flown by.

Believe it or not, I am still quietly Walking in this World, as are Debbie and Mandi, my lovely creative cluster. All three of us are finding this journey quite different to The Artist's Way; I certainly feel it's a much more intimate and personal experience, which is why I haven't been sharing my daily readings and tasks here on the blog. I find myself chipping away at internal barriers and blocks rather than shouting about big picture progress this time round—not that I'm not making any. I am, in fact, probably busier and enjoying more artistic success and satisfaction than I've had at any other time in my life.

I am still finding time for morning pages, I am still going on my daily walks (and I mean mindful, relaxing walks, not just my daily commute-walking), I've started to go on more adventurous Artist's Dates and I don't miss them once they're planned, I'm performing daily, I'm doing a bit of work every day (sometimes no more than 10-15 minutes) on my new play, I'm writing poetry, I'm making music, I'm singing, and I'm still earning enough to live off from the reduced hours I do at my day job—I'm doing all the things I love in small doses, but enough to fulfil and satisfy me and make me happy.

And I am happy. Exhausted, yes; but happy!

There's a pile of things that have come up during the Week 3-9 tasks that I do want to share so that anyone else following the journey will feel motivated to stay on track. I'll try and fit some time into Week 10 for a proper round up.

In the meantime, here's a photo from my Week 9 Artist's Date—an afternoon spent visiting the free exhibitions as part of the Glasgow International Festival, and a trip to the giant Bouncy Stonehenge on Glasgow Green!


1 comment:

  1. Bouncy Stonehenge?! Wow! haha :)

    It sounds like you're working really hard and successfully balancing an artist's life. For this I congratulate you.
