Sunday, 26 February 2012

Walking in this World — New beginnings

Hello blog readers… long time no speak!  :-)

A couple of months have flown by since Debbie and I shared our Artist's Way journey through these blog pages.  It was an exciting time for us both; a period of creativity, productivity, projects, change, highs and a few lows and struggles too.  For me personally it was the period in which I fundamentally shifted how I view myself and my artistic desires; I stopped feeling ‘ashamed’ of being an actor and writer and focussed instead on actually acting and writing.  And as a result, I found work—I made work.  Those 12 guided weeks helped me to address several of my artistic frustrations, and I found a much healthier balance—not work/life, but art/life/work balance.  I've kept up my artist's dates (I've only missed 1 in 2 months), I go on my daily walks round the park or the city, and I write my morning pages (or evening pages) every day.

So, a few months on…where are we?

Well, we're back for more!

Some time after writing The Artist's Way Julia Cameron followed up with Walking in this World; a next-step 12 week programme designed to take us further along the path of our artistic journeys.  Our creative cluster has expanded, and this time we've been joined by actor Mandi over in Melbourne, Australia—yes, we've gone global!—and we may have another artist joining us this week too. This morning Debbie, Mandi and I grappled with modern technology (Google+ and Skype) to have our first creative cluster prior to kicking things off tomorrow.  We talked a bit about where we are at present with our work and current projects, where we think it is leading and what we hope to achieve in these 12 weeks.

It's exciting—the first day of a new term at school!

Lots has been happening with me since I last blogged.  I did write a huge spiel about it all then realised how long the post was becoming, so I've cut it out and instead replaced it with a short list of what I've been up to.  I'll refer back to it and fill you in as relevant over the coming weeks.

  1. My playwriting mentorship;
  2. Touring my play 2h:9m:37s which finished last week;
  3. Possibility going to the Edinburgh Festival;
  4. Acting work;
  5. Directing work;
  6. A new business and a new project;
  7. Campaigning for the arts;
  8. Creative writing course/studying;
  9. Major lifestyle/health improvements;
  10. Simplifying my life ready for change.
I'll leave it at that for now.  I'm off to re-read Week 1's chapter in preparation for the tasks ahead.


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