I've had a really positive day today, that wave of energy and optimism having washed over from yesterday. I had a fairly relaxing day with no commitments and didn't go throwing myself into anything just for the sake of doing something. I actually relaxed for once! I wrote a couple of lines of blurb in preparation for a writing project I'm planning on taking up next month. I hardly put any effort in to it at all, but it's done all the same. I was "filling the form", making that wee contribution that shows yes, you did something towards achieving that goal.
I have an audition tomorrow. I really should be treating it as a major event, but in reality it's nothing, regardless of who it's with and what it's all about. It's a turn-up-and-do-your-best-and-don't-even-think-about-it-afterwards audition. You see there's no guarantee of getting anything of it (is there ever?), so I'm kind of just going along and aiming to have fun with it. It's a chance to do something with no real pressure, kind of a practice audition. Ticking a box, filling the form. We'll see how it goes.
I've got my outfit ready in advance and I'm about to hop in bed and listen to the backing tracks. Let sleep find me and take me to a happy place.
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