Thursday, 15 September 2011

Week 3, Day 4 — Nurturing

I'm struggling this week.  I'm recovering now from this ear infection, but very slowly.  Work has thrown me in an unexpected new direction and piled on a bit of pressure right at the time when I'm already busiest and most committed to other pursuits; as a result, today has been spent rejigging my diary and plans for next week as it looks like I'll be heading out of town.  It's such bad timing as it conflicts with rehearsals and plans for the play, and also means I can't sing in a charity concert next week:  but it's work, it pays my bills, and it's necessary.  People are depending on me.  I've had other plans fall through today too, got a bit of bad news mid-day, then came home tonight to read Debbie's sad news on her blog.  All in all, today has been a bit of a downer.

I picked up The Artist's Way tonight and though, heck, I have no notion of doing this for a second night running.  It fell open, however, at the page about nurturing friends.  I stopped for a bite to eat with Campbell tonight after work, and although it was rushed and we both spent time offloading about our respective jobs, I realise on reflection that I felt much better just having spent a bit of time in his company.  He is one of my most nurturing friends.  He reminds me of the things I'm good at, defends me when I sabotage myself with self-doubt, and shows genuine concern for me when I'm stressing myself out.

Where would we be without friends?


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